February 25, 2021
Bran mash for horses - Girl feeding a Horse - Equine Simplified

Bran mash for horses – does it help?

With the recent cold snap that hit South Texas, I decided to research and challenge an old wisdom that has been ingrained in me since an […]
January 27, 2021
Girl inside a stable with horses - how much does it cost to own a horse - Equine Simplified

The struggle is real, how much does it cost to own a horse or manage a barn?

I had the most amazing conversation with a client yesterday. I was helping her set up her account, and we quickly got to putting a price […]
June 26, 2020

When you fall off your horse…get back on! Lesson for horse and working life

When you fall off…get back on your horse! We have all heard this mantra…do you believe it?  How does falling from a horse translate into falling […]
May 25, 2020

My horse continues to teach me…

Horse lessons translated into life:  Take care of your horse before you take care of yourself Horse World. There were times when I was younger where […]
May 10, 2020
Brown Horse with Rachelle after competition- Equine Simplified

A life lesson from my horse

Horse lessons translated into life:  Don’t look down. Horse World. This is so true. If you look at the ground, you will likely end up there […]