March 1, 2021
Giving Medicine To Horse - Lady Worming a horse - Equine Simplified

Tips and Tricks for Giving Medicine to Your Horse

We have all been there… in the urge of giving medicines to a picky eater horse. This applies to horses, dogs, cats, and husbands (just kidding). […]
February 25, 2021
Bran mash for horses - Girl feeding a Horse - Equine Simplified

Bran mash for horses – does it help?

With the recent cold snap that hit South Texas, I decided to research and challenge an old wisdom that has been ingrained in me since an […]
January 27, 2021

Meet Our New Agent – Jamie Wheelis

Jamie Wheelis – Our New Agent Looking back, Jamie Wheelis cannot remember a time when horses were not a part of her life.  And, Equine Simplified […]
January 27, 2021
Girl inside a stable with horses - how much does it cost to own a horse - Equine Simplified

The struggle is real, how much does it cost to own a horse or manage a barn?

I had the most amazing conversation with a client yesterday. I was helping her set up her account, and we quickly got to putting a price […]
January 11, 2021
Haas Grooming Brushes - Girl Brushing Horse - Equine Simplified

Haas Grooming Brushes – the selection process

Can a brush really be that good? I saw a post on Facebook about Haas grooming brushes this week, and it compelled me to find out […]
January 7, 2021
A lady looking on a plain - Kenzie Holmberg New Agent - Equine Simplified

Meet Our New Agent – Kenzie Holmberg

Equine Simplified welcomes Laramie WY resident, Kenzie Holmberg, as a new partner.  Kenzie has multiple talents as a horsewoman, a western lifestyle photographer, and a graphic/web […]
January 5, 2021
winterizing your barn - hoses out of the stalls - Equine Simplified

Winterizing your barn! Best practices for preparing your barn & horse – with a checklist

Prepared for the first freeze? I read an article last week from US Equestrian about 10 tips for Winterizing the Barn. I quickly clicked on the […]
December 16, 2020
A Practical Gift For Horse Owners & Barn Managers - Horse with christmas decoration - Equine Simplified

A Practical Gift for Horse Owners & Barn Managers

A practical gift for horse owners…meaningful at Christmas and for years to come By the end of November, I always start thinking about what to give […]
November 28, 2020
Pony using a Thinline Flexible Filly Grazing Muzzle - Equine Simplified

ThinLine Flexible Filly Grazing Muzzle Review

Thinline Flexible Filly Grazing Muzzle. Here’s what you need to know: The Thinline Flexible Filly Grazing Muzzle is a muzzle recommended to us by a friend, as we were using rubber muzzles that our horses hated. We have bought three and fit them to our horses to see their response. We also compared the rubber-style muzzles with the new Thinline Flexible Filly Grazing Muzzles.