Horse lessons translated into life: Don’t look down.
Horse World.
This is so true. If you look at the ground, you will likely end up there involuntarily. In a lesson I had this fall, my horse was jumping slightly to the right over the jump. I would get her in straight, but after she took off, to the right she shifted. So, Scott, my trainer, said look further to the left. Darn it if the next time she was perfectly straight over the jump. I was actually looking slightly to the right and didn’t realize it…and Dolce was trying to compensate to look where I was going!
Professional World.
In the professional world, this is translated to “look where you are going.” We always need to have goals, for both professional and personal development. If we “look down”, we are working without goals, and thus we “end up involuntarily on the ground”. Having clear annual goals and sharing them with the team (leaders, peers, and subordinates) is vital to achieving the bigger objective
The moral of the story…Look Ahead!